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Querying and Filtering Records in DreamFactory


DreamFactory provides powerful filtering capabilities for database operations, allowing you to precisely query and manipulate your data through the REST API. This guide will walk you through the basics and advanced features of filtering in DreamFactory.

Basic Usage

Endpoint Structure

GET https://{your-dreamfactory-url}/api/v2/{api_name}/_table/{table_name}?filter={filter_string}
api_nameName of your API servicemysql, postgres
table_nameDatabase table to querycustomers, orders
filter_stringURL-encoded filter expression(status='active')

Your HTTP client will automatically handle URL encoding of special characters in the filter string.

Quick Examples

# Basic filtering
GET /api/v2/db/_table/users?filter=(status='active')

# Multiple conditions
GET /api/v2/db/_table/orders?filter=(status='pending') AND (total>100)

# Pagination and sorting
GET /api/v2/db/_table/products?limit=10&offset=0&order=name ASC

Filter Syntax


DreamFactory uses SQL-like syntax for filtering. Ensure you are familiar with SQL operators and their usage in DreamFactory.

Logical Operators

ANDBoth conditions must be true(status='active') AND (age>21)
OREither condition must be true(status='active') OR (status='pending')
NOTNegates the conditionNOT(status='deleted')

Comparison Operators

=, !=Equality/Inequality(status = 'active')
>, >=Greater than (or equal)(age > 21)
<, <=Less than (or equal)(price < 100)
INMatch any value in set(status IN ('active','pending'))
LIKEPattern matching(email LIKE '')
IS NULLCheck for null values(phone IS NULL)
BETWEENValue in range(age BETWEEN (18,65))

String Operations

CONTAINSContains string(description CONTAINS 'important')
STARTS WITHBegins with string(name STARTS WITH 'App')
ENDS WITHEnds with string(file ENDS WITH '.pdf')

Common Filter Examples

# Name filters
GET /api/v2/db/_table/contacts?filter=(first_name='John') AND (last_name='Smith')
GET /api/v2/db/_table/contacts?filter=(first_name='John') OR (first_name='Jane')
GET /api/v2/db/_table/contacts?filter=first_name!='John'

# Pattern matching
GET /api/v2/db/_table/contacts?filter=first_name like 'J%'
GET /api/v2/db/_table/contacts?filter=email like ''

# Numeric comparisons
GET /api/v2/db/_table/users?filter=(age >= 30) AND (age < 40)

# Social media handles
GET /api/v2/db/_table/contacts?filter=(twitter like '%jon%') OR (skype like '%jon%')

Advanced Features

Field Selection and Metadata

Allows you to specify which fields to return in the response, reducing the amount of data transferred and improving performance. You can also include metadata such as record count and schema information.

# Select specific fields
GET /api/v2/db/_table/users?fields=id,name,email

# Include record count
GET /api/v2/db/_table/users?include_count=true

# Include schema information
GET /api/v2/db/_table/users?include_schema=true

Pagination and Sorting

Allows you to control the number of records returned and the order in which they are displayed.

# Paginate results
GET /api/v2/db/_table/users?limit=10&offset=20

# Sort results
GET /api/v2/db/_table/users?order=name ASC

# Group results
GET /api/v2/db/_table/users?group=category

Allows you to filter records based on values in related tables.

# Filter by related table
GET /api/v2/db/_table/orders?filter=('USA')

# Filter with nested conditions
GET /api/v2/db/_table/products?filter=( CONTAINS 'Electronics')

Aggregate Functions

Allows you to perform calculations on data, such as counting records or calculating averages, directly within the query.

# Count records by status
GET /api/v2/db/_table/orders?group=status&fields=status,COUNT(*)

# Calculate averages
GET /api/v2/db/_table/products?fields=category,AVG(price)

Parameter Replacement

Allows you to use placeholders for values, which are replaced with actual values at runtime.

GET /api/v2/db/_table/users?filter=status=:status_param

# Request Body
"params": {
":status_param": "active"
Security Best Practice

Always use parameter replacement to prevent SQL injection attacks. This ensures that user input is safely handled.

Batch Operations

Allows you to handle multiple records in a single call, with options to continue processing after failures or roll back all changes if any operation fails.

continueContinue processing after failurescontinue=true
rollbackRollback all changes if any operation failsrollback=true

Record Identification

# Get by single ID
GET /api/v2/db/_table/users/123

# Get by multiple IDs
GET /api/v2/db/_table/users?ids=1,2,3

# Get by custom ID field
GET /api/v2/db/_table/users?id_field=email&[email protected]

Best Practices

  1. Use Parameters: Enhance security with parameter replacement
  2. Limit Results: Always paginate large datasets
  3. Select Fields: Only request needed fields
  4. URL Encoding: Properly encode special characters
  5. Error Handling: Use rollback=true for critical operations
  6. Test Incrementally: Build complex filters step by step
  7. Wrap Conditions: Always wrap logical conditions in parentheses
  8. Validate Schema: Use include_schema=true to verify field names


Common Issues

  • Wrap all logical conditions in parentheses
  • Use proper quotes for string values
  • Verify field names with include_schema=true
  • Test complex filters incrementally

Response Format

"resource": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Example"
"meta": {
"count": 1,
"schema": {
"name": "table_name",
"fields": [...]

Date/time formats can be configured globally in your DreamFactory configuration. Detailed documentation is available here.